Batman v Superman – Ben Affleck spricht über den neuen Batman und Lex Luther

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Das französische Filmmagazin Studio Cine Live hat ein Speziel zum kommenden Superhelden Film Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice veröffentlicht. Besonders interessant ist darin erschiene Interview mit Ben Affleck. Das Cover zieren wieder einmal die Protagonisten Batman, Wonder Woman und Superman – Wonder Woman diesmal in etwas anderer Pose. Ben Affleck spricht unter anderen davon, dass der „neue“ Batman älter und weiser ist und erklärt, dass er sich von dem Batman aus Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Trilogie unterscheiden wird. Den Text zu seinen Aussagen findet ihr unten in englischer Übersetzung von heroichollywood. Zudem äußert sich Affleck euphorisch über Lex Lethur und Henry Cavill gibt Einblicke in seine Interpretation von Clark Kent.



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Ben Affleck über Batman

“Usually, the films show Batman starting off, or in the prime of his career. Here, you’re dealing with an older version, a guy at the end of his journey. He’ll find meaning in his own life during his conflict with Superman. He really thinks Superman is an existential menace, and he believes destroying him will be his legacy. We also play a bit more with the billionaire playboy side of the character. He lives that life at full tilt. He courts many women, owns many cars, and parties a lot. He does that as a way to fill the void in his soul. Moreover, past incarnations dealt with a straightforward search for justice. This time, Batman’s reasoning is clouded by frustration, bitterness and anger.”


“I don’t want to compete with other incarnations, nor do I want to emulate them. Those versions belong in another universe. Christopher Nolan used his Batman to tell a finite story. My version is different, but remains faithful to the Batman mythology and all the themes associated with it. The other difference is that Nolan’s Batman isn’t part of a universe where other superheroes exist as well. Here – because we’re working towards the Justice League – there’s Superman, and it’s a world populated with super beings. This situation generates an altogether new reality.


When you’re reading the script, you’re wondering how you’re going to play Batman. Then you put on the suit, you look in the mirror and you tell yourself: “There, that’s it.” The suit does all the work for you. In fact, you’re not playing Batman, but Bruce Wayne. That’s when the character becomes complicated and interesting. Batman himself is already a strong emblematic figure. It would be a mistake to overplay him.”



Ben Affleck über Lex Luther

“Between the character that was written by Chris Terrio and Jesse Eisenberg’s portrayal, it’s the meeting of two great minds, on the same wavelength. Luthor is, for me, the most interesting character in the film. He’s radically different from what we’ve seen so far. He’s grounded in reality, and he’s extraordinary. This type of film is only as good as its villain. That’s why The Dark Knight was so brilliant, because of Heath Ledger’s Joker. Jesse improves the film with each scene he’s in. He’s not your usual one-dimensional villain, there’s a whole psychology behind him.”


Henry Cavill über Clark Kent

“Comparisons with Christopher Reeve’s clumsy Clark Kent are inevitable. My Clark Kent is trying to be as small and invisible as possible. If you’re awkward and spilling things constantly, people are going to notice you, and that’s not the best way to go unseen. You have to admit, it’s not a remarkable disguise, just a pair of glasses. He’d like to think that no one will believe he could be Superman. How could such a delicate flower be a living god? Preposterous.”


Mehr zu Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice sehen wir Henry Cavill (Clark Kent/Superman), Ben Affleck (Bruce Wayne/Batman) und Gal Gadot (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) in den Hauprollen. Im Starensemble vertreten sind zudem Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane sowie Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor), Jeremy Irons (Alfred) und Jason Momoa (Aquaman). Die Regie übernimmt Zack Snyder. Der Film startet weltweit am 25. März 2016.


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