Ant-Man Filmkritiken aus Übersee im Überblick

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Poster Ant-Man

Poster Ant-Man, Quelle Disney

Rockt Ant-Man wirklich?

In dieser Woche sind einige Filmkritiken zu dem neuen Marvel Film Ant-Man erschienen. Insgesamt steht Ant-Man bei bei einem Metascore von 66. Basierend auf insgesamt 14 Filmkritiken wurden 9 positiv und 5 als gemischt gewertet. Nachfolgend findet ihr die Auszüge bzw. Zusammenfassungen der Filmkritiken zu Marvel’s Ant-Man im Original.

Positive Ant-Man Filmkritiken

Hitfix 83

Ant-Man has its own voice, no doubt thanks to all of the talent involved, and it stands as a surprisingly sturdy success for the studio, a delightfully weird little movie that has no business working this well.

CineVue 80

Ant-Man is a smart action adventure that breathes new life into a long-running franchise, told with a level of intelligence that reminds those beleaguered by the onslaught of superhero movies that the genre still has a lot to give when in the right – if not the Wright – hands.

Empire Kim Newman 80

A science-fiction, action-heist, superhero comedy soap opera, this straddles as many genres as the Avengers films have characters but manages to do most of them pretty well. Extremely likable, with a few moments of proper wonder.

It’s Ant-Man, not pants, man. Marvel passes its biggest test in years with flying critters… plus wit, flair, top-notch casting and some good, gratuitous size gags.

The Telegraph 80

What we’ve seen since the beginnings of the Marvel serial in 2008 is an ongoing stretching: bigger casts, grander set-pieces and more intricate interplay between characters, with no clear end in sight. Ant-Man scuttles off in the other direction. Brisk humour, keenly felt dramatic stakes, and invention over scale. You know: small pleasures.

Variety 80

Reed’s movie succeeds well enough as a genial diversion and sometimes a delightful one, predicated on the rarely heeded Hollywood wisdom that less really can be more.

Entertainment Weekly 75

Reed and Rudd’s film is proof that no matter how silly some ideas sound at first, good things often do come in small packages.

Village Voice 70

Ant-Man is spry and often funny, despite its familiarity.

TheWrap 62

There are individual pieces of the movie that work wonderfully…. Unfortunately, this is also the kind of movie where talented actors do some of their least notable work.

Gemischte Ant-Man Filmkritiken

Time Out New York 60

Rudd’s affable wit makes him a perfect choice for the part. But his performance is uncharacteristically inhibited, as if he felt there was too much at stake to try something new.

The Hollywood Reporter 60

Although the story dynamics are fundamentally silly and the family stuff, with its parallel father-daughter melodrama, is elemental button-pushing, a good cast led by a winning Paul Rudd puts the nonsense over in reasonably disarming fashion.

The Playlist 58

Size may not matter in this diminutive story, but the film’s slight, disposable quality hardly qualifies it as an essential tale to astonish.

Screen International 50

Jokey rather than funny, and a bit forced when it’s trying to be sincere, Ant-Man has plenty of enthusiasm but not a lot of inspiration.

The Guardian 40

Ant-Man is a cut-and-shut muddle, haunted by a ghost, produced by a high-end hot dog factory, by turns giddying and stupefying. Watching it is like channel-surfing between „Hot Fuzz“, a duff early 90s Michael Douglas drama and the very schlockiest bits of „Interstellar“.

Insgesamt ist das Feedback nicht schlecht und es wird letztendlich auf den persönlichen Filmgeschmack ankommen. Freuen dürfen wir uns wahrscheinlich auf eine smarte Action-Komödie, die mit vielen trickreichen Ideen punkten kann. Wir sind gespannt.

Was erwartet ihr von Ant-Man?


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